Wednesday, 8 March 2017

procedure of cleaning and operating of Laminar AirFlow.

      1.0       Objective
     To lay down a procedure  of cleaning and operating of Laminar AirFlow.
      2.0        Responsibility
      3.0        Accountability
      Head-QC executive
      4.0         Procedure
      4.1                    Cleaning
   4.1.1      Switch ON the main power supply.
4.1.2    Clean the LAF with sterile lint free cloth soaked in 70%v/v filtered Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).
4.1.3     Working surface shall be wiped in one direction only, using overlapping strokes
4.1.4      Clean the LAF before analysis and after completion of analysis.
 4.2                   Operating
4.2.1     Clean the LAF before starting the analysis
4.2.2    After cleaning, switch “ON” the U V light of LAF for 30 minutes and switch it ‘OFF’.
4.2.3    Raise the indent for UV light replacement, when UV burning hours meter shows 3800 burning hours.
4.2.4    Switch “ON” the fluorescent light of LAF.
4.2.5   Check the red oil level in the manometer; it shall be at 0 at the static condition and 8 – 15 mm when Air Flow is “ON”.
4.2.6    Perform the microbial analysis under LAF.
4.2.7    Switch “OFF” the fluorescent light.
4.2.8    Switch “OFF” the main power supply of LAF.
      4.2.9     Record the time twice in a week from the UV burning hour meter.

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