Wednesday, 8 March 2017

procedure of environmental monitoring in microbiology lab.

     1.0       Objective
     To lay down a procedure of environmental monitoring in microbiology lab.
     2.0        Responsibility
     3.0        Accountability
      Head-QC executive
     4.0        Procedure
     4.1        Environmental monitoring of microbiology laboratory by settle plate method.
4.1.1        Prepare the Soyabean Casein Digest Agar (SCDA) media, add 1ml glycerin /100ml of media.
4.1.2        Sterilize the media and prepare the plates.
4.1.3        Label the preincubated (SCDA) plates with respective location, date and time on the base of petriplates.
4.1.4        Open the lid of SCDA plates, and expose the plates in respective areas for four (4) hours.
4.1.5         After completion of exposure, close the lid and incubate these plates at 22 0 C ± 3 0 C for 72 hours and 37 0C ± 30 C for 48 hours in inverted position.
4.1.6        After five (5) days of incubation period observe the total microbial count and record it log book.
4.1.7        Frequency: Perform microbiological environment monitoring by settle plate method, daily in LAF&A/L1and2 and weekly in media preparation room,autoclave and incubator room.
4.1.8        Personnel hygiene of microbiology laboratory by finger dabs.
4.2.1        Take the finger dab of both the hands with hand gloves on different preincubated SCDA plates.
4.2.2        Label the plate with respective persons name, location, date and sign.
4.2.3        Incubate the plate in inverted position at22 0 C ± 3 0 C for 72 hours, 37 0C ± 30 C for for 48 hour and then incubate it at for 48 hours.
4.2.4        After five (5) days of incubation period observe the total microbial count and record the results in log book.
4.2.5        Frequency: Perform microbiological environment monitoring for personnel hygiene by finger dab method, daily in microbiology laboratory.

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