Tuesday, 4 July 2017

General Testing Procedure For PVC PACKING MATERIAL

    1.      Description:
PVC film of specification: - Non toxic transparent /nontransparent PVC. It shall be free from foreign matter, patches. It shall be wound on Aluminium / Plastic / Cardboard core without any loose pieces.
 2.      Width:
Ø  Take a sample of 1 meter from each roll if the no. of rolls is less than 5. If the no. of rolls is more than 5 then sample should be taken by the formula √n + 1.
Ø                  Measure the width by measuring scale at different places.
Ø            Take average of above readings. Tolerance: ± 1.0mm
 3.      Total Grammage:
Take 3 samples from 3 different rolls. Cut it to 05 X 05 cm, Weigh it and calculate the Grammage with following formula.
                              Weight of the piece in gm X 100 X 100                 =     −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
                                                5.0    X      5.0 4.      Thickness:
Cut 5.0 X 5.0 cm Piece of the PVC film. Record the weight of this piece and thickness by the following formula.
                                                                                 X 10
                       Thickness of PVC =     ------------------------------- mm                                                                           X             X1.41Whereas 1.41 is specific gravity of PVC film

5.      Functional Test:
Take a roll of different specimen take trail on machine for the first consignment of Manufacturer or if any new manufacturer is there.
1.  Sealing – Check it for leakage.
2.  Blister formulation.
3.  Colour change during sealing.
6.      Shrinkage and Expansion Test of PVC Film:
Cut a piece of 10 x10 cm. accurately marking machine direction and web direction put this piece on a butter paper and Keep in an oven for 10 minutes the temperature  of which is set at 140°C. Remove the film and after attaining room temperature, measure the in both directions. The limits are as follows
 Shrinkages in machine direction …….7.0 % max.
Expansion in web direction      ……... 2.5 % max.
    After Treatment Wt:       =    −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− gm                                                               X 100 X 100Gram mage of PVC:       =    -------------------------------------    gm/m2                                                            X                                                                                                 X 100 X 100 Gram mage of PVC Layer (a -b):   =   ----------------------------------------------   gm/m2                                                                                            X   


  1. Great post, this is really informative for pharma studies.
    Also check our latest research report onBispecific Antibodies Companies

  2. can you please help me with calculation of PVC, PVDC required for particular batch.


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