Wednesday, 8 March 2017

procedure for cleaning, operation of hot plate.

     1.0       Purpose

     To lay down a procedure for cleaning, operation of hot plate.

     2.0        Scope
     This procedure is applicable to the quality control in Dagon Pharmaceutical pvt. Ltd.
     3.0        Responsibility
4.0            Accountability
      Head-QC executive
5.0       Procedure
       5.1         Cleaning
      5.1.1      Switch ‘OFF’ the main power supply and disconnect the hot plate by removing the plug of main power   supply.
      5.1.2    Clean external surface of the hot plate with a wet mop dipped in 70%v/v Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).
5.1.3       Clean the hot plate once in a week.
5.1.4       Maintain the cleaning record of hot plate.

 5.2          Operating
5.2.1        Connect the plug with main power supply.
5.2.2         Switch ‘ON’ the hot plate.
 5.2.3        Set the temperature of hot plate with the help of thermostat knob provided at the right side of the                  front side of hot plate by rotating the knob in clock wise direction.
 5.2.4        Set the heating speed by adjusting the heating knob at desired speed (0, 1, 2, and 3) provided at the                   left side of front side of hot plate.
 5.2.5         Red light indicates the heating is “ON”.
 5.2.6         Switch ‘OFF’ the hot plate after every use.
 5.2.7         Disconnect the hot plate by removing the plug from main power supply.
 5.2.8         Calibration of hot plate shall be done once in a year.

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