Wednesday, 8 March 2017

procedure for cleaning, operation of microscope.

     1.0       Objective
     To lay down a procedure for cleaning, operation of microscope.
     2.0        Responsibility
     3.0        Accountability
      Head-QC executive
      4.0       Procedure
      4.1        Operating

4.1.1    Switch ‘ON’ the electric connection of the Microscope, light will glow.

4.1.2    The light intensity shall be adjusted by a knob provided on right side.

4.1.3    The specimen shall be adjusted by using oil immersion objective as follows

4.1.4     Place the prepared slide on the platform of the Microscope carefully

4.1.5     Rotate the nosepiece so that lower power objective (10x) in light path.

4.1.6    Place one drop of oil on the area of specimen there shall be no air bubble between objective & lens.

4.1.7     Rotate the nosepiece so that 100X oil immersion objective in the light path.

4.1.8    Looking through the binoculars head raise the stage by adjusting the course focus knob until an image appears sharp.
4.1.9     Use fine focus knob to sharpen the image.

       4.2        Cleaning

4.2.1   For cleaning of the lenses remove dust by using a soft brush. Wipe the lenses with 70%v/v filtered isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution.
4.2.2     For cleaning of immersion oil & objective, xylene shall be used.
       4.2.3   Wipe out the exterior of the Microscope by 70%v/v filtered IPA followed by dry lint free cloth.

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