Wednesday, 8 March 2017

procedure cleaning and operating of colony counter.

      1.0       Objective
     To lay down a procedure cleaning and operating of colony counter.
      2.0        Responsibility
      3.0        Accountability
      Head-QC executive
      4 .0       Procedure 
      4.1         Cleaning
4.1.1      Switch off the mains power supply.       
4.1.2      Clean the instrument by clean lint free cloth sprayed with 70 % v/v filtered Isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
4.1.3          Now clean the instrument with clean and dry lint free cloth.
4.1.4          Clean the instrument before and after usage.
4.2         Operating
      4.2.1       Connect the unit to the mains power supply.
      4.2.2       Switch ‘ON’ the mains.
      4.2.3       The display will blink and show 0000 in figures.
      4.2.4      Keep the petridish on the wolf huegel glass in inverted position.
4.2.5       Adjust the magnifier for accurate counting of small or closely placed colonies.
      4.2.6       Use glass marker for counting the colonies on the petriplate.
      4.2.7       Mark each and every colony one after another by glass marker.
4.2.8       When the counting is over, the screen can be reset to 0000 by pressing the manual button.
             4.2.9        Switch off the instrument when not required.

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